Joy Of North
Sea Buckthorn

Sea Buckthorn is a concentrated vitamin and Omega oil pill of the nature. When you think about vitamin C, you probably think of oranges and their 0.053% vitamin C content. We have news for you, fresh sea buckthorn contains 0.4% of pure vitamin C and our freeze dried sea buckthorns up to full three per cent. That's over fifty-five times, or 5500% more than oranges. Sea buckthorn is also among the best natural sources of vitamin E in existence.

Talk about a vitamin bomb.

But health benefits don't end there. Sea buckthorn is very rich in Omega 3, 6 and 7 oils, so much that sea buckthorn extract has been used to treat radiation burns. It's that effective, and while it has been one of best kept anti-aging secrets of cosmetics industry for years, it's also a great addition to a healthy, natural diet.

Sea buckthorn tastes sweet and acidic. Eaten raw and fresh, they really put hair on your chest. Freeze drying smoothens out the taste nicely and makes the berries easy to use for all kinds of purposes. Sea buckthorn smoothies are a great alternative to artificial vitamin supplements when you have to kickstart yourself early in the morning. Mixing ground, freeze dried sea buckthorn with honey is a true indulgence in drinks and as cake filling and if you've got what it takes, try them as snacks. Plain sea buckthorn may be an acquired taste, but there's no question about one fact: they're good for you.

Shelf life for all packaged sea buckthorn is 24 months.

Sea Buckthorn
Hippophae Ramnoides

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  Package sizes: 20g resealable bag
300g (3.3l) box
500g (5.3l) box
Box and barrel packages