Joy Of North

Nordic strawberry is our candy. Compared to most strawberries grown in warmer climate they're fairly small, only 20-30mm (3/4 to 1 1/4") in diameter, but once you have tasted one, you'll never want to go back. During the growth season Finland enjoys almost constant sunlight. Nordic strawberries are literally grown under the Midnight Sun, which gives them amazing, all natural sweetness and unmistakable, strong strawberry flavour.

Our strawberries are cultivated, mainly in central Finland in Suonenjoki region. Finland has amazing resources of fresh potable water (so much that in fact we wash our cars and flush our toilets with it) so that is used in irrigation systems as well. It may sound like a waste, but honestly, there's little water in the whole country that isn't potable and would need to be purified in any way. It gives us a great advantage: the berries have virtually nonexistent risk of contamination from water and - unlike most other strawberries - there's no need to boil them before using them.

These are reasons enough for us to use finnish-grown berries, exclusively.

As snacks they're absolutely marvellous and we've found a number of ways to use them. Adding them to smoothies and breakfast cereals gives you a taste of real, fresh nordic strawberry. In bubbly drinks they absorb the liquid very quickly and once you bite them they bubble - inside! Ground freeze dried strawberries turn to fine powder that makes cookie dough taste like fresh strawberry throughout. And kids love them. We mean really. We have a large family and when we were perfecting our strawberry process, our lab samples got eaten up. Time and time again.

Shelf life for all packaged strawberries is 24 months.

Fragaria x Ananassa

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  Package sizes: 20g resealable bag*
150g (3.3l) box
300g (5.3l) box
Box and barrel packages
  Large strawberries: 3.3l box, weight varies